The objective of the Police Department is to maintain the peace and quality of life that the citizens of Columbia City presently enjoy. The Police Department enforces state laws and local ordinances, protects life and property through preventive and proactive law enforcement practices, and contributes to the livability of the City by taking the lead and being an active participant in the development of community policing relationships.
Gerald Bartolomucci serves as the City’s Chief of Police. He is responsible for planning, organizing and directing the operation and activities of the Police Department. He can be reached by calling (503) 397-4010, or mailing to PO Box 189, Columbia City, OR 97018.
The Police Department is funded by property taxes and miscellaneous revenue.
- The department continued integrating community policing and problem solving concepts into daily law enforcement operations, continued annual review and update of applicable department policies and procedures, continued upgrade to the agency’s records management and computer systems, continued improvements to the evidence and property room procedures, and continued the department’s emphasis on improvements in leadership, accountability, and personal responsibility. Numerous training courses were also attended by officers.
- The department coordinated and led efforts to conduct the Columbia City Emergency Management Preparedness Fair. This event focused on educating the public on current emergency management issues within the City, soliciting registration for the county-wide CAN Emergency Notification System, provided training on sustainment functions for extended periods of time (4 week minimum), and promoted community partnerships.
- Specific problem areas relating to criminal and illegal drug activity, traffic safety issues, animal complaints, and nuisance issues were addressed and resolved. In support of established City Council Goals, ongoing efforts in working with City residents to resolve concerns within their neighborhoods have been successful and will continue to be ongoing.
- The Hearing Conservation Program was continued for all department personnel. Maintenance record systems for all vehicles, mobile data terminals, Tasers and other equipment were maintained and updated as required.
- Continue implementation of the City’s Public Policy on Policing as established by Resolution No. 08-933-R. Target date: Ongoing.
- Continue to improve officer and employee safety, minimize liability and meet federal and state mandates through continued and expanded training programs and equipment upgrades. Target date: Ongoing.
- Continue to expand on a number of community safety programs to include, but not be limited to, Child Identification Programs, Identity Theft Awareness, Traffic Safety Awareness, and Neighborhood Watch. Target date: June 30, 2021.
- Continue department compliance with “Best Practice” standards as represented in a City County Insurance Services best practices survey dated June 10, 2008. Target date: June 30, 2021.
- Continue commitment to the reserve officer recruitment and training program in order to provide for a professional and qualified pool of officers to compliment the regular officer force. Efforts will also provide the maximum amount of police protection and services to the community. Target date: Ongoing.
- Facilitate and attend core skill level training, at no cost to the City, through collaborative efforts on a regional basis. Efforts to utilize these opportunities to the maximum extent possible will continue to be a priority for the department. Target date: Ongoing.
- Continue cooperative agreements and mutual aid agreements with other local, state and federal agencies to ensure that the City continues to receive assistance from those agencies at times when needed. Memorandum of Understandings and Interagency Agreements also have and will continue to provide for investigative services as well as access to equipment that the department does not have and could not otherwise afford. Target date: Ongoing.