Building Department

The Building Department is in place to protect the public and the value of their homes. Your local Columbia City Building Department issues residential and commercial plumbing, mechanical, structural and fill permits. The City has an intergovernmental agreement with the City of St. Helens for Building Department services including a Building Official, plan reviews and inspection services to ensure that building codes are met. The Building Department also performs investigations and enforces code requirements on structures that are a hazard to the public.

The Building Department receives funding through revenues from permits and fees and other sources.

The Building Department is staffed by an Administrative Assistant, Helen Johnson, who can be contacted by calling 503-397-4010 or mail to PO Box 189, Columbia City, OR 97018. Our main contact at the City of St. Helens is Mike De Roia, Building Official, who can be reached by calling 503-397-6272 extension 128.

Contact the Building Department

To find out if you need a permit, please call 503-397-4010 or check the following:

The City uses the State of Oregon’s ePermitting online program. Contractors with valid CCB licenses can apply for structural, plumbing and mechanical permits at the ePermitting website: This would be for both residential and commercial jobs. Homeowners applying for permits can use the previous link for instructions on how to apply for permits.

Electrical permits are only handled by Columbia County. You can reach Columbia County Land Development Services by calling 503-397-1501 or visit their website.

Other Related Building Information, Forms & Applications: